
Legal protection
Since its beginning, FBA Solutions is the leader in matters of legal protection. In 1992, its visionary founder imported from Europe the notion of legal insurance. Since then, FBA Solutions develops legal protection products to stay ahead with a suite of solutions ranging from assistance to insurance, through to mediation via videoconference.

Assistance solutions
Highly personalized assistance solutions offered in white label, 24/7/365 from the assistance centre of FBA Solutions. Our useful, appreciated and adapted assistance solutions are offered in a humane and warm manner to your clients and members. Since we talk in your name, every contact is a new occasion to establish or reinforce the trust between you and your clients.
Insurance and warranty
plans and claim management
Our insurance and warranty plans offer peace of mind to your clients and members. They apply to a large array of objects or transactions. Our adjuster team manages claims hassle-free, worry-free and efficiently with a focus on personalized and rigorous interactions. We manage claims in a timely manner, which saves time and money for our clients and gives satisfaction to yours.