Legal protection

Legal insurance

Legal insurance programs designed by FBA Solutions, for individuals, SMEs, professionals or other specific clienteles, are valuable help to your clients and members. They allow them to find one or many solutions to a legal problem. With this tool, they are not only able to face "legal accidents", but also know their rights, avoid legal disputes and find much simpler solutions than they would have hoped for.

Legal assistance and extended legal assistance

FBA Solutions' legal assistance services allow to obtain legal information through a team of civil and Common Law lawyers. This service is offered through a toll-free specific line. The number and duration of calls are unlimited. The extended legal assistance goes further and includes, most notably, the study and the redaction of documents.

Identity theft

Legal protection services offered by FBA Solutions can also include coverage in the case of identity theft through which lawyer's fees or those associated with a prolonged absence from work are compensated.

Credit card and important documents registry

This credit card and important documents registry service is a virtual safe for your clients and members.

Succession assistance

FBA Solutions can help the executor of the will understand his rights and obligations. Toolkits and tips will help, but will also provide the necessary tools to whomever decides to plan their succession, in order to do so adequately.

Mediation via videoconference

Mediation is an effective tool to solve conflicts in a timely manner. This professional and confidential service offers your client and members an alternative from court.
