
Our clients include major insurers, financial institutions, professional associations, real estate agencies or brokerage firms, retail chains and other organizations.

Whoever you are, we have a solution for you!

Whether you are a company, an association or an employer, if you want to offer benefits to clients or members, FBA Solutions is the right resource. We will help you identify the best program for retaining the loyalty of your clientele.


Whether you are a company, an association or an employer, if you want to offer benefits to clients or members, FBA Solutions is the right resource. We will help you identify the best program for retaining the loyalty of your clientele.


Here is how FBA Solutions can help you:


  • You are an insurer and want to add legal aid to your home or auto insurance policies or you want to enhance these policies with home care and pet care services.
  • You are a mortgage brokerage firm and want to give your brokers the opportunity to offer their clients extended legal assistance for hidden defects or you are a real estate brokerage firm and want to offer a guarantee waiver in all of your transactions.
  • You are a professional association and your members would like to benefit from legal aid regarding professional conduct.
  • You are an association of retailers and would like to offer your members health assistance.


Custom-designed for your clients and members, our programs comprise one or more services. Once in place, these programs are carefully evaluated and subject to usage and satisfaction reports transmitted at the desired frequency.

See which services our clients benefit from